Last updated on January 4th, 2020 at 08:14 am

SSL means Secure Sockets Layer. It is an Internet protocol used to ensure the transfer of data between a user’s browser and the website they visit is secure.
Each internet user transmits information when visiting websites. This information can often be confidential, e.g. payment details, credit card information or login credentials.
With the normal HTTP protocol, this information can be hijacked by hackers. This is where SSL or HTTPS comes into play.
Websites require an SSL certificate issued by one of the recognized certification authorities. This certificate is verified and highlighted in the user’s address bar with a padlock sign and HTTPS instead of HTTP.
How Does SSL Certificate Work?
SSL protects information by encrypting data traffic between a user’s browser and the website. When a user visits an SSL / HTTPs website, their browser first verifies if the SSL certificate of the website is valid. When everything is checked out, the browser uses the public key of the website to encrypt the data. This data is sent back to the desired server (website), where it is decrypted with the public key and a secret private key.
Where to Get SSL Certificate for Free
There are several places where you can get a free SSL certification for your website. Below are the best listings.
If you want to experiment with SSL, Comodo offers you a free 90-day SSL certification before withdrawing or buying the certificate. It is configured in minutes and has the highest possible 256-bit encryption. All popular browsers such as Chrome, Internet Explorer and Firefox also recognize Comodo SSL certificates.
CAcert has a number of free SSL certifications. However, you must meet personally with a CAcert volunteer to review the identity documents issued by the government. Depending on the certification you receive, these six months, 12 months or 24 months, and you must meet with the CAcert volunteer each time you make a renewal.
Cloud Flare is a security and a CDN company that offers universal and free SSL certification. It is very easy to use and can be configured in less than five minutes. Currently, Cloud Flare has many popular sites that use its certification, including Reddit, Mozilla and Yelp, just to name a few. If you have an account with Cloud Flare but not yet enabled for SSL, all you have to do is log in, select which SSL account to enable, click on the encryption symbol, make a flexible configuration and then wait for it to go live.
AskSSL is another SSL certification company that provides you with 90 days of free SSL certification for your website. It is a validated and automated domain and can be configured in minutes. 99.9 percent of browsers and websites accept the SSL certification of this company. It is also delivered with unlimited server licenses, validation and encryption in the Business class and much more. At the end of the 90-day trial period, you can switch to a free company or buy one through this site.
WoSign is another very easy to use website that offers domain owners free SSL certifications. These certifications are valid for two years before you need to renew them. They use automatic authentication, so they are running in minutes. It is also widely accepted by many renowned browsers and you can request certification by email.
SSL certifications are extremely important for anyone who has a website. Not only can it give you a rating increase in Google’s search rankings, but it can also help your customers feel more secure when using your site. You can be sure that all confidential information transmitted to and from your site is secure and protected against data breach and identity theft. You are completely free and you have nothing to lose when you have them.
SSL For Free is another site that gives you a free SSL certification for your site. It runs on the Let’s Encrypt ACME server and uses automatic domain validation to grant it certification. The configuration takes only a few minutes and takes a year to complete before you need to renew it.
If you have a personal website or blog, you will receive a validated, unrestricted SSL certificate from StartCom, which is completely free. To receive this free certification, all you need to do is confirm that you own the domain. This may take a few minutes, or at most a few hours, and you can verify it by email. Once you have done this, it will be valid for a full year before you need to renew it.
The Linux Foundation has created Let’s Encrypt in collaboration with the Internet Security Research Group. This will give your site a validated SSL free domain certification, and you can configure it to renew automatically. This will allow you to skip manual renewal, installation and certificate verification every year.