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How to Fix Mixed Content Warnings on Your Website: Tips for Resolving Blocked Mixed Content issues

Have you ever seen a “Not Secure” warning or a broken padlock icon next to your website’s URL in your web browser?

If so, your site is likely experiencing a mixed content warning.

This not only erodes visitor trust but also impacts your site’s SEO. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into what mixed content is, why it matters, and how to fix a mixed content warning on your website effectively.

What is Mixed Content?

Mixed content refers to the use of both secure HTTPS and insecure HTTP protocols on a single website. This can occur when a website is loaded over a secure HTTPS connection, but some of its resources, such as images, videos, stylesheets, or scripts, are loaded over an insecure HTTP connection.

Why Does Mixed Content Matter?

When a website has mixed content, web browsers will typically display a “mixed content warning,” indicating that the page contains insecure content. This warning can appear in the address bar, and users may need to click through to proceed, which can be off-putting and cause them to lose trust in your website.

In addition to the negative user experience, mixed content can also impact your website’s search engine optimization (SEO).

Search engines, such as Google, prioritize secure websites and may rank your site lower if it contains mixed content.

How to Fix Mixed Content Warnings

Fixing mixed content warnings is crucial to ensuring your website is secure and providing a seamless user experience. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to fix mixed content warnings on your website:

1. Understand the Types of Mixed Content

There are two types of mixed content:

  • Active mixed content: This includes resources that can transmit information, such as forms, scripts, and iframes. These are considered more dangerous because they can be used to transmit sensitive data, such as passwords or credit card information, in an unencrypted form.
  • Passive mixed content: This includes resources that do not transmit information, such. as images, videos, and audio files. While these may not directly impact security, they can still cause the mixed content warning to appear, affecting user experience.

2. Identify the Source of Mixed Content

To fix mixed content, you need to identify the specific resources that are being loaded over HTTP. You can do this by using browser developer tools or by using online tools specifically designed for detecting mixed content.

Using Browser Developer Tools:

In Chrome or Firefox, right-click on the page and select “Inspect” or “Inspect Element.” This will open the developer console.

In the console, look for the “Security” tab, which will show you the insecure requests being made. You can also open the “Network” tab and reload the page. This will show all the requests made by the page, and you can filter for “HTTP” to find the insecure ones.

Using Online Tools:

There are also online tools and extensions that can help identify mixed content:

  • SSL Insecure Content Fixer: This is a free online tool that scans your website for mixed content and provides a report.
  • Why No Padlock?: This tool helps identify why your website is not getting a secure padlock in the address bar, and it includes checks for mixed content.
  • Mixed Content Scanner: This is a Firefox extension that scans pages for mixed content and provides a detailed report.

3. Fix Mixed Content Issues

Once you’ve identified the sources of mixed content, you can take steps to fix them:

  • Update URL Schemes: Change the URL scheme from HTTP to HTTPS for all resources. This includes images, scripts, stylesheets, and any other files loaded on your website. Ensure that all links and references to these resources use the HTTPS version.
  • Use Relative URLs: Instead of using full URLs, use relative URLs for resources whenever possible. For example, instead of “,” use “//” or simply “/image.jpg.” This way, the protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) is determined by the page being served, ensuring consistency.
  • Redirect HTTP to HTTPS: If you have an old website with many HTTP resources, consider setting up redirects to their HTTPS equivalents. This ensures that even if an old HTTP URL is requested, the user will be redirected to the secure version.
  • Update Hardcoded Links: Sometimes, mixed content issues can arise from hardcoded links within your website’s code or database. Ensure that all links and references to resources are updated to use HTTPS.
  • Fix Mixed Content in Embedded Content: If you’re using embedded content, such as videos or social media widgets, ensure that they are loaded securely. For example, when embedding a YouTube video, use the “https://” version of the URL.

4. Implement an HTTPS Redirect

To ensure that all traffic to your website uses the secure HTTPS protocol, you should implement an HTTP to HTTPS redirect. This can be done by adding a simple rule to your website’s .htaccess file if your server runs Apache.

Here’s an example code snippet:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]

This code will redirect all HTTP traffic to HTTPS, ensuring a secure connection for all users.

5. Update Your Content Delivery Network (CDN) Settings

If you’re using a CDN to deliver your website’s content, ensure that it is configured to use HTTPS. CDNs can sometimes serve content over HTTP by default, so check your settings and update them if necessary.

6. Fix Mixed Content in WordPress

If your website is built on WordPress, there are a few additional steps you can take to address mixed content:

  • Use the “SSL Insecure Content Fixer” plugin: This plugin can help fix mixed content issues by forcing HTTPS on all resources. It also provides options to fix issues with your site’s CSS and JavaScript.
  • Update Your Site URL: In your WordPress settings, ensure that your site address and home URL are both using HTTPS. This will ensure that all internal links generated by WordPress use the secure protocol.
  • Check Your Plugins and Themes: Sometimes, mixed content can be introduced by outdated or poorly coded plugins and themes. Update all your plugins and themes to the latest versions, and if the issue persists, consider disabling them one by one to identify the culprit.

7. Test Your Website

After making the necessary changes, test your website to ensure that the mixed content warnings are gone. You can use the following methods to verify:

  • Reload the page in your browser: Simply reload the page and check if the padlock icon appears in the address bar, indicating a secure connection.
  • Use online tools: Run your website through online tools, such as SSL Labs or Why No Padlock?, to check for any remaining issues.
  • Check your browser’s console: Open the developer console and look for any remaining insecure requests.

8. Monitor for Future Mixed Content Warnings

Even after fixing mixed content issues, new ones can arise over time as you add or update content on your website. It’s important to regularly monitor your website for mixed content to catch any issues early on:

  • Set up monitoring tools: Use tools like Google Search Console or online services that offer mixed content monitoring. These tools can alert you to any new instances of mixed content on your site.
  • Regularly scan your website: Perform periodic scans of your website using the methods mentioned earlier, such as browser developer tools or online scanning tools.

Preventing Mixed Content in the Future

To avoid mixed content warnings in the future:

  • Always Use HTTPS: When adding new content or resources, ensure they are served over HTTPS.
  • Regular Scans: Periodically scan your website for mixed content to catch any new issues.
  • SSL Certificate: Make sure your SSL certificate is valid and up to date.


Fixing mixed content warnings on your website is crucial for maintaining a secure and seamless user experience. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure that your website uses HTTPS consistently and provide your users with a safe and trustworthy browsing experience.

Remember to address both active and passive mixed content, update URL schemes, implement redirects, and monitor your website regularly for any new instances of mixed content.

By taking these proactive steps, you can enhance your website’s security, improve your SEO rankings, and build trust with your users, knowing that their sensitive information is protected.

How to fix a mixed content warning on your website is a common challenge faced by website owners, and now you have the knowledge to address it effectively.

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