Last updated on January 26th, 2024 at 01:57 am
An SSL is defined as a small data file that combines, digitally, all a company’s information to a cryptographic key. When the certificate is installed it activates the https protocol and also a padlock of which they function to give a secure connection between the server and the website.
An SSL certificate is used to give assurance to the identity of a certain website of which it is digital.
So to get an SSL certificate you will have to purchase one from an SSL provider or a Certificate Authority. If you wish to do so this is the article for you that defines the basics you have to know before purchasing an SSL certificate.
Functioning procedure of an SSL certificate.
- A Website using HTTPS is accessed by a user.
- The browser of the user asks for a secure SSL connection from the server.
- The server will in turn respond with a well-founded SSL certificate.
- There is now establishment of a secure connection.
- The data at this point is now encrypted then transmitted.
How to determine if a website is SSL secured.
It is possible to determine if a certain website is SSL secured. This is possible under the facts that an SSL secured website has a padlock icon on the web browsers and also its website address shows HTTPS. The green address bar is also present in some few scenarios.
If by any chance the browser does not recognize an SSL secure connection it will then display a warning to the website accessor.
So to purchase an SSL certificate I recommend having the following things at hand so to have the whole process as a success:
- A CSR (Certificate Signing Request).
- Documents of validation for your organization.
- An up to do date and precise WHOIS (pronounced “who is”) record.
- A very unique IP address for your website.
The SSL certificate types.
- Domain Validated SSL Certificates.
- Implementation and value fee
- It takes a very short while mostly in minutes or hours for the issuing.
- Their fee is quite low.
- Suitable for the small websites.
Verification that the requestor is the registrant of the domain is the only verification process done under the Domain Validated certificates.
- Organizational Validated SSL certificates.
- Implementation and value fee.
- The implementation may take longer than the domain validated certificated mostly to about a few days.
- The fee is also greater than the cost for the domain validated certificates.
- The organizational validated certificates are most suitable for the middle level businesses.
- Ownership of the domain is verified in terms of company name and its address.
- Extended Validated SSL certificates.
- Implementation and value fee.
- The implementation may take up to a few weeks.
- The Extended Validated certificates are the most costly SSL certificates.
- The domain validated certificates are most suitable for the sites that do financial transactions.
- All the certificates have an equal level of data encryption but the difference only lies in the aspect concerning the assurance of the business identity behind a particular website.
Certificate Levels.
During the purchase of an SSL certificate, you have to put into consideration about the number of domains that you wish to secure.
- Single Domain SSL Certificate.
- Security-
It secures up to a maximum of a single domain.
- Suitability-
Suitable to the small/medium businesses that manage only a limited number of website and also suitable to a single website.
- Wildcard SSL Certificate.
- Security-
Has the ability to secure one domain plus all its sub-domains.
- Suitability-
The certificate is highly suitable in that it can secure any additional sub-domains with regard to a fast growing business.
- Multi-domain SSL Certificate.
- Security-
The SSL certificate provides security for a maximum of 100 domains.
- Suitability-
Most appropriate to a business that has different entities.
10 Best SSL Certificate providers.
This is our highest in rank as an SSL provider and probably the cheapest SSL Certificate provider. The offer quite a wide range of SSL certificates that include the document signing code signing, the TLS/SSL certificates, and the S/MIME e-mail certificate.
- AES encryption 256-bit SHA2 https.
- Free site Seal.
- Unlimited Certificate reissues.
- Excellent 24/7 customer support.
- Unlimited server license and reissues.
- Issuance of certificate is up to 5 days.
- Money pay back is within a 15-day guarantee.
- Support is available via phone, e-mail or chatting.
- Validation for basic SSL is all automated.
Certificate type and pricing.
- High Assurance-$48.80
- Multiple domains-$16.99 per year.
- Wildcard Domain certificate-$49.99 per year.
- Basic-$3.99 per year.
- Sectigo Positive (maximum of 3 domains)-$159 per year.

2. Namecheap
The SSL provider offers the full package of SSL certificates so you find what you may need despite your specifications and the budget.
- Replacement of SSL is free of charge.
- Advance SHA algorithm.
- Free and limitless reissues.
- For the DV certificates no paper work is required.
- Full variety of the SSL certificates.
- Majestic security ability with 256-bit encryption.
- There is customer support.
Pricing of certificates.
- Essential SSL (Domain Validated)-$7.88 per year.
- InstantSSL (organization Validated)-$18.88 per year.
- PositiveSSL (domain validation)-$7.88 per year.
- EssentialSSL Wildcard-$72.88 per year.

3. The SSL Store.
The company was established back in 2000.
Standard domain validation certificates prices begin from $14.95 per year.
There are also the OV and EV certificates that cost $2600 at maximum per year.
- The SSL store has the most low cost SSL deals.
- Installation service goes for $24.99.
- Guarantee of 30 day money back.
- They are partners with the world’s leading certificate authority.
- Great technical support for their products.
Pricing of certificate types.
- EssentialSSL (Wildcard)-$14.95 per year.
- PositiveSSL (Wildcard)-$130.00 per year.
- EV SSL-start from $82.30 per year.
- OV SSL-start from $86.50 per year.
- Basic DV-$14.95 per year.

4. Godaddy SSL Certificates
GoDaddy is well renowned for the fact that they give great discounts to its first-time customers. They offer SSL certification services too.
- Protects unlimited number of servers.
- Their reissues are free and unlimited.
- Strongest SHA2 & 2048-bit encryption.
- There is the padlock in the address bar.
- 24/7 security support.
Pricing of the certificates.
- Wildcard SSL-begin from $279.99 per year.
- EV SSL-begin from $99.99 per year.
- Basic DV-begin from $59.99 per year.

5. GlobalSign SSL.
Established in the year is one of the most prestigious SSL CA in the market.
They have built their name by offering cloud-based PKI solutions to the entities that wish to make their website secure, conduct secure transactions over the web and to offer the best content delivery to their customers.
- Accredited CA webtrust since the year 2001.
- ECC support is available.
- SSL installation is free of charge and the management tools.
- One can use the same certificate for both and
- Using SHA-256 and the 2048 bit RSA key encryption.
- It has a warranty that goes up to $1.5 million.
Pricing of Certificates.
- OV SSL-$349 per year.
- DV SSL-$249 per year.
- Wildcard SSL-$849 per year.
- EV SSL-$599 per year.

6. DigiCert
Based on the motto of the company ‘Y
our success is built on trust’ you can get a very good idea of the seriousness the company to security.
They provide the OV, EV and DV SSL certificates.
- It is secure both with and
- The reissues are both free and unlimited.
- Trustworthy company.
- For the certificate management there are free tools.
- High technical customer support.
- Certificate issuance is fast.
- SHA-2 algorithm and 256-bit encryption.
Pricing of certificates.
- Multi-domain SSL-$299 per year.
- Standard SSL-$175 per year.
- EV SSL-$295 per year.
- Wildcard SSL-$599 per year.

7. Thawte
Thawte is an SSL certificate that has its name built on provision of very affordable SSL certificates and 17 year reliability.
They offer the EV, DV, SGC, Wildcard, OV and the SAN certificates.
- Offers a free trial that goes for about 21 days.
- It gives a warranty of maximum $1.5 million.
- Re-issue certificates are free at no extra charges.
- Gives tools that aid in installing and managing the certificate.
- The company site seal logo is available.
- One can install the certificate in an unlimited number of certificates.
- Compatible on almost all servers.
Pricing of certificates.
- SSL 123-$149 per year.
- SSL Web server-$199 per year.
- SSL Web Server with EV-$299 per year.

8. GeoTrust
In GeoTrust there is a number of SSL Certificates that you can choose from. They are the True BusinessID, True BusinessID with EV, QuickSSL premium and True BusinessID Wildcard.
The True BusinessID with EV is the best in terms of highest assurance and warranty at an affordable price.
- Issuance period of the certificates is very short.
- Support for the SSL is free and expertise.
- Console for certificate management.
- There is a free-trial period.
- There is availability of the green address bar.
- They offer a warranty of up to $1.5 million.
Pricing of certificates.
- QuickSSL Premium (DV)-$149 per year.
- True BusinessID (EV)-$229 per year.
- True BusinessID (OV)-$199 per year.
- QuickSSL Premium Wildcard (DV)-$745 per year.
- True BusinessID Wildcard (OV)-$599 per year.

9. Entrust
This company considers itself as a forward-thinking and to provide security for a wide variety of entities. They offer security for matter regarding to transactions, mobile authentication, and the SSL certificates.
- Optimal platinum support.
- Unlimited reissues.
- SHA-2signing algorithms.
- The real-time check having site-seal security.
- It has features of security.
- They have a platform for certificate management.
Pricing of the certificate.
- Wildcard (OV)-$609 per year.
- Advantage OV-$182 per year.
- Standard (OV)-$174 per year.
- EV multi-domain-$373 per year.

10. Network Solutions.
Developed in the year 2002 and they offer the lowest-price SSL certificates for their users.
- Standard issuance time.
- The padlock and site seal are available.
- 24/7 support.
- The Green address bar.
- Compatible with 99% of browsers.
- 256-bit encryption.
- Issuance period is standard.
Pricing of certificates.
- Wildcard-$579.00 per year.
- Basic (OV)-$124.50 per year.
- Extended (EV)-$399.50 per year.
- Xpress (DV)-$59.90
- Advanced OV-$199.50 per year.

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